Crowd funding notes

1. What is the film called?


2. What was the Kickstarter project for?

  • Attorney fees
  • Sound mixing
  • Colour correction
  • Travel

3. How long did they spend developing the concept?

3 weeks 

4. How many days do the most successful campaigns run for?

30 days

5. What figure did they decide on?


6. How did they promote the project?

  • Social media
  • Private messaging friends and family
  • Posting in crowdfunding Facebook groups

7. What is the pyramid marketing structure?

 strategy that some direct sales companies use to encourage their existing distributors to recruit new distributors by paying the existing distributors a percentage of their recruits' sales

add on a paragraph explaining what Kickstarter actually is and how it can help in pre-production.
Kickstarter is a crowdfunding platform to which anyone can set up a page or donate/ fund one (this is called being a 'backer'. Kickstarter has successfully helped over 130,000 projects get the fundings they need. Its incredibly useful in preproduction as it may gives you the funds that would otherwise not possible to achieve. Its a very affective way off funding as it is a global platform that anyone can be a 'backer' to.


  1. Good job, you have answered the questions. Have a read over question 7 again and watch the youtube video to be sure you understand how the structure works.
    For revision, add on a paragraph explaining what Kickstarter actually is and how it can help in pre-production.
    Miss C


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