Research notes for film making 3/10/17

Tax relief:
-       One way that films can be funded is through a tax relief program.
-       Up to 25% of the total expenditure of a film can be deducted regardless of its budget.
-       This is available for all film makers.
-       Can dramatically reduce the budget.

Types of Media funding

BFI film fund:
- A lead UK film agency which invests £26 million of Lottery Funds yearly to support film development.

BBC Films:
Collaborate with filmmakers in order to create films to be shown on the BBC.

Film 4:
Invests £15 million annually in developing and financing films. Accepts proposals via agents and production companies.

Creative England Fund:
Offers to fund projects with regionally – based filmmakers and projects with a strong regional voice.

Media – Creative Europe’s media sub-programme supports film, television, new media and video games, offering funding, training and networking opportunities.

Culture sub-programme – Supports the cultural and creative sectors and funds mainly collaborative projects and usually across all art forms, as well as publishers looking to translate European fiction.

ross Sector – Organisations can apply for funding to run collaborative projects aimed at improving distribution across more then one sector. Partnership funding.

Other Eu Funding – For professionals and organisations in the creative and cultural sectors. COSME, Horizon 2020, Europe for Citizens and European Creative Industries Alliance are a few of the EU funding opportunities available.
What do investors get in return for investing?
-       25 years of potential payments.
-       Appear as a film extra.
-       Get named in film credits
-       Attend VIP events.
Tax Relief

What was the task?
Task was to research the different types of media funding as well as what one can get in return for funding a campaign.What did you learn?
How different organisations fund campaigns and the different ways of funding project How will this help you in preparation for your exam?
As it gives me a clear definition on what tax relief is and analyses the different types of media funding 


  1. There are some good notes here, but you need to provide some more specific examples. What BBC/Film 4 projects have benefitted from investors?

    Also, remember to add the website links so that you can go back and revise the types of funding you can get.

  2. Could you also answer these questions below.

    What was the task?
    What did you learn?
    How will this help you in preparation for your exam?

    All the best

    Mr Cooper


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