GOT podcast notes

  •  Most common classification issue; Strong language, sex, violence, sexual violence, gore, horror, threat, nudity 
  • majority of episodes are classified as a 15
  • thirteen episodes are 18, one due to a sex scene, two due to sexual violence, four for very strong language, and six for violence 
  • Guidelines say violence should not dwell on the infliction of injury
  • most violence is played by reaction shots rather than capturing the actual pain inflicted e.g. reaction in face would be shown rather than a knife stabbing into someone.
  • limited focus on wound detail, more focus on it would lead to a higher age rating. Eg pregnant woman being stabbed in stomach, focus on this would be brief and undetailed (this episode went from a 15 to an 18 due to the graphics and the focus on the actual injury )
  • guidelines say 'very strong gory images are unlikely to be acceptable' e.g. man holding onto intestines, pushing organs back inside- this would be an 18
  • historical or fanatical settings can lead to a higher age rating
  • focus on gore, blood, bodily organs creates cumulative feel of bloody violence, resulting in and 18 rating.


  1. Lots of useful notes here Poppy! Paste the URL of the podcast so that you can refer to it during your revision process.


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